Wednesday, June 3, 2015

MTC Week 7

My last official P-Day at the MTC! 

This has been are really good week! It has been a lot of fun, and I feel like I have learned so much.

On Wednesday we had the new Zone come in. There are forty-seven new Italians and Romanian missionaries! Half of them are girls!! It has been fun getting to know them. It is interesting to see the dynamic of their companionship. I am glad that I have such a great companion and that we never had any problems.We spend most of our time with a tripanionship, they are all a lot of fun! It is fun to be "older" we get to help them!  Sorella Sharp and I do not have a class, so we jump from class to class and get to be "co-teachers." Most of the time we are helping in Sorella Preston's class, it is a lot of fun.

Sorella Preston

Elder D. Todd Christofferson was the speaker at the devotional last night! It was really exciting. They did not announce who it was like they normally do so we knew it was going to be someone really good! His talk was entitled "Questions from the Field." He told us about and answered some of the questions he gets from missionaries. It was really neat. I liked how most of the answers were the small and simple things we do every day, like reading our scriptures, saying our prayers, and being prepared. One of the things that he said near the end of his talk was "Quitting will not make you feel better!" I like this because so often we give up when things get hard, but giving up doesn't make life easier. I think this applies to everyone. We all face challenges, we all go through hard times, quitting is never the answer, quitting will not make the hard times go away. (Here is a link to the MTC Devotional - June 2, 2015)

Our Branch Presidency

Brother Ryan Egget is the MTC choir directer. He is so amazing at telling stories and applying them to the gospel. He can tell a scripture story, that you have heard a hundred times, in a that keeps you on the edge of your seat and thinking about the story in a new light. Yesterday we were singing "I feel my Saviors love" and he was telling us about some of the times he had seen the Saviors love in his life. He challenged all of us to think about some of the ways we saw His love in our lives. The Lord loves all of us so much, and He does so much for us every single day. I would like to extend to you a similar challenge.

 Look for times when you have seen the Savior's love in your life, write down at least five and tell one to another person.*

I will tell you one of mine. I was walking to Darren's house in between classes during the fall semester in college. I was almost to the end of the trail when I saw two guys and a girl. It felt really bad. I thought that they were probably doing a drug deal or something of that sort, so I past quickly and quietly. A day or two later I found out there had been a girl robbed by two men at gun point on the trail. I had witnessed that, practically walked through the middle of that, and I was safe, nothing happened to me. I felt so grateful, I know I was watched over that day. I have never told anyone this story and had forgotten it until yesterday. Hope you really think about my challenge this week.


We still do not have any word on my VISA. If it is not here by Friday I will be temporarily reassigned. That is okay, I will go where ever I am needed. I am so grateful for all I have learned this past week. I know that there is a reason, and I know I have received so many blessings from it!

Love and miss you all!

Sorella Victoria Pinnegar

*Leave one (or more) of the times that you found the Savior's love in your life as a comment on this blog post and I (Ryann) will send them to Victoria. She will love to hear them.

We expect that Victoria will be leaving the MTC on Friday, June 5. But we don't know where she is going! We will post a new address just as soon as we have one for her.

Our last temple walk as a Zone.
Our last photo with our District.
Saying good-bye to the Anziani was sad. We do cinnamon rolls.

Our District as sticks.

Fratello Knutson guessed our first areas.
Update 8/24/15, As far as she knows, no one ended up
 in the areas that Fratello Knutson guessed for them.

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