Wednesday, May 27, 2015

MTC Week 6

My second, Last P-day in America!!

It has been a rather interesting week. Wednesday was great! We hung out with the Anziani in our district and wrote letters. It was fun to spend time with them, they are a lot of fun.

Friday is where things start to go a little crazy! Friday was infield orientation, so all the  people who left this week went. It was good. We learned some about what to expect when we enter the mission field and about how to be effective missionaries. There were a lot of work shops which were actually rather fun. In field orientation went from 8:30 am - 5:30 p.m It was really long! At dinner Sorella Sharp and I were called to the front desk. When we got there we were told to go to the travel office.  Both of our VISTA's were running a few days behind, and because Monday was a holiday they would not be here in time for us to leave Tuesday morning. They believe they will becoming with in the week so they didn't want to reassign us. So we get to hang out here for a few extra days. It was hard, but I was grateful we would get to stay together. We were told to go and inform our parents. When we went to use our email, it was down. So we had to go and inform the IT department. They told us this has been happening a lot and the took our names down and told us to borrow someone else's email for the time being. We did, and if you could not tell our email works again!!! Yay!!!!! Later that night I asked on of the Anziani for a blessing. It was wonderful, it brought me peace and calm. I knew that there was a reason I would not be leaving Tuesday even though I did not know why.

Saturday was great. Our classes were wonderful. Two of our three teachers were out of town so we had a substitute for part of the day. She was a lot of fun. We informed our one normal teacher that we would be here Tuesday, and she arranged it so that our regular teacher would come!

Sunday was splendid. All of our lessons seemed to be exactly what I needed. The fireside was on how a mission is difficult but all is well. Our district sang in sacrament. We sang Praise the Man. It was beautiful! He talked about how we learn and grow on a mission and about how we learn to overcome our trials on our mission. It was really uplifting. Our branch presidency told us to be prepared to leave on Tuesday, just in case something happened.We finished packing that night. Monday morning we did our laundry and emailed home just in case. We had our last lessons with our "investigators." They both went really well! By dinner time it was apparent that we would not be Tuesday morning. It was really hard to have to say good-bye to the ones in our district. Both Sorella Sharp and I received blessings. We both felt good about staying, even though it was hard to watch everyone else go.

Tuesday was AMAZING!!!!!!! Our teachers came and we had class like normal. It was so cool, because it was completely focused on the specific needs of Sorella Sharp and I. I feel like I learned so much!! Our teachers have such great testimonies! They gave up their day off to come and teach us. I am so grateful! I think I might have gone crazy without a teacher. I really love my teachers! We were told to check the travel office at lunch time. Our VISTA's still had not arrived yet. One of the members of the branch presidency had called to check during his lunch time to see if they had come yet too! We were actually in the office when he called!!! It is so nice to know that they watch out for us. Do you want to know what the best part was? Guess who talked at the devotional last night? It was...wait for it...

ELDER HOLLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was SO AMAZING!! His talk was wonderful. He began his talk having is grand daughter come up and bear her testimony. She just got home from her mission. She served in Milan Italy! That was really wonderful. His talk had four major sections.

The first section was about having our own personal conversion on our mission. I found it interesting that he used the word conviction more that he used the word conversion. Most of what he said in that section are only missionary applicable but he did say one thing on personal conversion that I would like to share. He said "You are God's investigator!" this goes for everyone. He wants each of us to continually be more converted.

The second topic was obedience. He told us that obedience is the first law in almost everything. He told us that he dislikes having to talk about obedience, because we sent in a letter accepting our mission call, accepting to do what ever the Lord would have us do. In order to do this we must be obedient. The only reason he talked about obedience is because we need it to have the third thing he talked about.

The third thing was, Preach my Gospel by the Spirit. This was the main topic of the devotional. Everything else he talked about was centered around the need for the Spirit of the Lord. In order to have the Spirit we must be obedient and we must be converted. He talked on how missionary work CANNOT succeed without the Spirit of the Lord.

The fourth thing that was discussed was opening our mouth. He said " The truth, to be the Truth must be spoke." We have to open our mouth and talk, that is the only way others will know the truth. Satan does not have power to kill us, but the next best think he has is the ability to shut your mouth. He does not normally bind our tongue like he did with Joseph Smith, instead he places doubt and fear in our mind. Because of our doubt and fear, we bind our own tongue. Elder Holland told us "Do NOT bind your tongue, if you do this Satan Wins!" He closed by telling us we are sent with the same message as Apostles.

 It was such a spectacular talk!!! I am so grateful I could hear it.

One of the members of our branch presidency came and did devotional review with us last night. (the same one who called the travel office.) They are such wonderful people. I am so grateful for all the amazing people Heavenly Father has placed in my life.

At the end of devotional review President Sell gave Sorella Sharp a blessing, he asked me if I wanted one as well, I did. These past few days my testimony and gratitude toward Priesthood, and Priesthood blessings has grow so much.

My challenge for you all this week is to look for the blessings in your life. Especially on the hard days, and during even the smallest of trials. This week has been challenging, but I have seen so many blessings in my life this week.

I love you all,

Sorella Victoria Pinnegar

Victoria and her companion are waiting for their visas to go through. We will post her address in Italy within the next week!

Link to MTC Devotional - May 26, 2015

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