Wednesday, May 6, 2015

MTC Week 3

Sorella S. (the redhead) and Sister H. (the blond)


I can hardly believe I am already half way through with my time at the MTC. It goes by so fast! The days are so long but the weeks are really short here! It has been a great week!

On Wednesday we hung out with the Germans all day writing letters. They are all Hilarious! We sat around and shared food and told stories. They are really great! Unfortunately they leave a week before the Italians. It will be sad to see them go. During gym one day they taught me to play Thunder which is a basket ball game. It was a lot of fun.

Me, with some of the Fabelholt Germans.
(That is what they call themselves. It means fabulous.)

We have a new teacher this week. She was are first "Investigator." She is such an amazing teacher! She is actually going to school to become an Italian teacher! She talks really fast so it is sometimes difficult to understand. If you speak English to her, her response is always that she doesn't understand English. Yesterday she took a break and told us all about the Italian culture. That was a lot of fun. It will be a lot to get use to though.

We did our first TRC this week. TRC is a bit like doing visiting teaching . It was really fun. It wasn't as stressful as our lessons with "investigators." The scary part was that once we finished our teachers told us they were watching and could hear what we were saying!

Sunday was AMAZING!!!! I think everyone should have the opportunity to have Fast Sunday at the MTC.
Matching!!! We accidentally matched on Sunday!!

We had Mission Conference, some of the missionary presidency and their wives talked to us. The talks were great! They were on having the companionship of the Holy Ghost, the fundamentals of the gospel, the restoration of the gospel, and building testimonies and becoming converted.

For the Fireside Elder Holland's son Matthew Holland came and talked to us. The Ogden Utah Institute Choir came and sang as well. Brother Holland talked on Joseph Smith and would stop and the choir would sing. The program was ended with the institute choir and the MTC choir singing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir version on Praise to the Man.

After that Sister S and I stayed to watch The Character of Christ by Elder Bednar! That was probably the most amazing talk I have ever heard! He based it on something Elder Maxwell once said.

I am going to tell you what he said and I want  you to ponder it through out the week.

"Without the character of Christ there would be no atonement."

Please think about this and why the character of Christ is so important and how this relates to you in your life. Also think about what the character of Christ is!

The devotional last night was also really good. Elder and Sister Rasband spoke to us. They talked on opening our mouths and being fearless missionaries. His talk was on the importance of finding people.

Lots of Love
Sorella Victoria Pinnegar

Beautiful day for a temple walk!

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