Monday, July 13, 2015

Tempe Arizona Week 5

Sorry I did not write last week, but I was on a plane over the Atlantic. This is last weeks email (Tempe Arizona Week 5), there is another one about this week (Rome Week 1).

This week was the first time I got to go to English class. It was really fun there is a cute old man who goes. He is about to graduate and we are having a fiesta for him on the twenty first. We went on Tuesday and had the opportunity to teach it on Thursday. It was a lot of fun.

On Thursday we worked at the farmers market in the morning. It was a lot of fun! It is not a regular farmers market. Once a week people can come and get a retain about of free food. I really enjoyed it.

After that we headed up to Maricopa for a meeting. It was a really good meeting. We talked a lot about personal responsibility and the importance of being obedience. This lead me to think about agency. Every person has agency, we all have the ability to choose right from wrong. This make it so that "everyone else is doing it" becomes an invalid answer. Every action we make has a consequence. We do not get to choose the consequence for our action. Just because no one knows you did it doesn't mean that there is not a consequence. We each must personally decide to choose the right at all times. If we do not, there will come a time when it will be hard to make the right choice and we will have to suffer the consequences. I invite you all to think about the decisions you make and if you really want the consequence that come from those decisions.

Friday was Hermana Day's birthday!!!! Sorely Sharp and Hermana Doty decorated while we were doing our work out. I made German pancakes for breakfast and we had funeral potatoes for lunch. It was a great day!

Saturday was the Fourth of July!!!!! President Luis payed for us to have a booth in the plaza! We passed out free ice cream and water. We also talked about family history to those that were interested. It was really fun. Unfortunately we had to be in by seven, but that gave me time to pack. When were heard the fireworks go off we stepped outside to watch them. We could see them perfectly from our drive way. It was really nice.

Sunday (July 7) was my last day in Arizona. We went to church in Ajo. It was very nice, all of the lessons were wonderful! After church we went up to Maricopa for dinner. We had to stop in Gila Bend for some things. Herman Day's drivers license expired on her birthday so I had to drive, and lead. That was an adventure! After dinner we finished driving up to Tempe. We talked with the mission president for a while. He gave us all a good bye hug. We spent the night at the Tempe sisters' apartment. After we got everything out of the car we had to say good-bye to Hermana Day and Hermana Doty. They all woke up with me at four in the morning to help. I had to say good-bye to Sorella Sharp, then it was off to the airport. I met up with the other missionaries in Atlanta. I arrived before them so I was afraid I would be flying alone, but they showed up eventually.

I have greatly enjoyed my time in Arizona and will always remember it. It is now time to move on to my next adventure.

Letter dated July 13, 2015.

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